Dihlmann Organic

ecological agriculture

The origins of Dihlmann Organic, actually in the 15th generation, are located in  Southern Germany near Stuttgart.

A key milestone was the foundation of a new farm in the eastern part of Germany in 1995 in Iden near Stendal, approx 100 kilometres west of Berlin. Experiences of organic farming were transferred from the parent farm in the South to the farm in the Eastern part on a new scale.

The Dihlmann family now operates 3 farms in Eastern Germany with all together approx. 1100 hectares mostly crop farming ( organic wheat, spelt, rye, peas, oats), with 100 pigs, an abattoir, a butcher shop and 120 dairy cows. We use approved modern technical standards and also support neighbouring companies in terms of organic farming.

The crop is selled via the farmers union Öko-Korn Nord which have several grain elevators in the northern & eastern region and therefore act as cross regional hub.

In 2015 a Dihlmann Organic branch in Ukraine in the Tlumach region, Oblast Ivano-Frankivsk was set up. Current activities are to adjust the successfully  established strategy on new regional circumstances and signing leasing contracts. The initiation in Ukraine starts on a same level like in eastern Germy and will fullfil in future the same growing strategy to a comparable size.


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